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The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) and the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada (A.N.A.C.) both recognize the need to increase the presence of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis nurses within the nursing profession (Gregory and Barsky, 2007). To this end, several schools of nursing...

Résume les données sur la consommation d’opioïdes d’ordonnance, notamment celles sur les méfaits connexes et les effets, le statut juridique, les coûts, les hospitalisations, les visites à l’urgence et l’accès au traitement. Au moment de la publication du sommaire (juin 2020), 11,8 % de la...

Summarizes data on the use of prescription opioids, including information on associated harms and effects, legal status, costs, hospitalization, emergency department visits and access to treatment. As of the date of the summary (June 2020), opioid pain relievers are used by 11.8% of the population...

This brief fact sheet by the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health provides information for First Nations, Inuit and Métis parents and caregivers to support the health and well-being of our children and teens during this pandemic. We hope your physical distancing and staying at home...

En 2017, le Comité fédéral-provincialterritorial (FPT) sur l’effectif en santé a demandé que le Groupe de travail des conseillers principaux en soins infirmiers élabore une vision pour l’avenir des soins infirmiers au Canada qui pourrait profiter aux Canadiens et qui pourrait appuyer et renforcer la...

In 2017, the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Committee on Health Workforce asked the Principal Nursing Advisors Task Force to develop a vision for the future of nursing in Canada that could benefit Canadians, and that could support and strengthen pan-Canadian health human resources planning. The...