CINA 2020-21

Notice of National Annual General Meeting


Start:                    06 March 2021       10:30 A.M.   [Eastern Time Zone]

End:                      06 March 2021         1:30 P.M.  [Eastern Time Zone]

Location:             Virtual Platform

Registration is now open for the CINA 2020 National Annual General Meeting.   Celebrating our Indigenous Nurses and Strengthening our position!  Registration for the AGM must be completed by Friday March 05, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. (ET) to allow for virtual links to be sent to qualified members. The links are not transferrable and cannot be shared and furthermore, are provided to one (1) member only.

Meeting materials will be made available upon confirmed member eligibility. Members will need to submit their AGM registration to

Highlights of the AGM will include a presentation from CINA-CPAC Indigenous Response to Cancer Strategy Project, information on the WHO designation of 2020 as the year of the Nurse and to Midwifery, and CINA’s engagements with multiple external stakeholders. We will also be inducting a new member to the Board of Directors. The new Board of Director position will be:

  • Director at large: works collaboratively with the CINA board to promote the expertise of CINA and ensure participation to influence Indigenous nursing practices.

PLEASE NOTE: You must be a member in good standing of CINA to register for this event.  If you are not yet a member, please visit our website for membership forms and information.