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Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association
50 Driveway, Ottawa, ON
K2P 1E2
COVID-19 Update
March 13, 2020
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Novel Coronavirus Disease (now referred to as COVID-19) to be a pandemic, which refers to concerns over its global geographic reach. The virus was initially detected in multiple individuals in Wuhan, China in December 2019, and has now spread to 125 048 cases worldwide.
CINA has been following the developments of COVID-19 closely and has been in constant communication with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) Chief Public Health Officer, along with other health agencies in Canada to monitor the situation and act accordingly. CINA recognizes that nurses are essential in spreading appropriate awareness and education about COVID-19 and encourages its members to refer to PHAC for evidence-based, important information regarding COVID-19. CINA recommends the use of the following website for valid, up-to-date information:
Regionally specific information and recommendations about COVID-19 is available through provincial and territorial health authority websites. Indigenous Services Canada has prepared public service announcements about COVID-19 in a variety of Indigenous languages, which can be shared as necessary for your region/community. Access to these announcements can be found via the following link:
CINA is continuing to work closely with the federal government health officials to identify anyone in the community who has been in close contact with a COVID-19 patient and may need to be tested. Currently, there is no need for individuals who have not been in close contact with a patient and are not showing symptoms to seek testing. The CINA office and Board will continue to keep our Indigenous partners informed as the situation develops.
CINA will continue monitoring the situation and work to support our nurses and our communities throughout this process. In the meantime – follow these measures: Stay home if you feel sick, wash your hands often, cough and sneeze into your elbow, avoid large crowds of people, disinfect shared surfaces, and avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Marilee A Nowgesic, CEO
On behalf of CINA staff and Board