Rachel Radyk is the September 2020 featured nurse of the Nominate a Nurse or Midwife campaign!

Rachel Radyk

Rachel is a Registered Practical Nurse and BScN student and she was nominated for her work.

Rachel's nominator, Zoe Mossey, had this to say:

Rachel has always gone above and beyond to assist when she can. She works in various environments related to her career choice.  She is eager and extremely hard working.  Puts herself last at all times. She is currently working at Grand River Hospital …prior to that she was at St. Mary’s with a contract position which she applied for during the Pandemic.  She is also involved in clinical studies on various levels.  She is professional and thorough in all that she encompasses.

Indigenous programming Specialist at Ontario Tech University, Carol Ducharme, had this to say:

I am pleased to provide support for Rachel Radyk’s nomination for  Nurse for the month of September. Rachel Radyk demonstrates leadership qualities and characteristics that are of the highest caliber as a professional in her field. Her commitment and driven attitude for making a difference and caring for others by bringing equity and Indigenous cultural safety to the forefront is commendable. Rachel has a genuine and approachable personality which makes it a pleasure to work with her on projects. I believe Rachel will make a significant difference for many in her work,  in her relationships, and will be an inspiration and role model for many in nursing. I believe Rachel is very deserving of this acknowledgement.

Nicole Ilavsky, MScN, NP-PHC, had this to say:

I am pleased to write and support this nomination for Rachel Radyk.  Rachel is currently a 4th year student at Ontario Tech University / Georgian College RPN bridge BScN program.  Over the course of her academic career, she has excelled and developed academically and professionally. I am pleased to see Rachel’s involvement as a student on multiple committees and her dedication to improve student education along with advocating on behalf of her peers. She has successfully represented the student body as Committee Coordinator of Nursing Students of Ontario, Indigenous Health Advocacy Chair of the Canadian Nursing Student Association, and Ontario Tech University/Georgian College Nursing Student Community Representative. Rachel has academically done well and thrived throughout the program.  During the pandemic she has been a resource in helping support her fellow peers. She is caring and devoted to helping others. Rachel has presented herself with the upmost professionalism when engaging with faculty, who highly speak of her.  Rachel advocates for Indigenous health and education within the school whenever she can.  She has voiced and discussed how she wants to work more with remote Indigenous communities when she is finished school. She is an asset to the program and will certainly succeed in the future wherever she ends up.  Well done Rachel! 

CINA contacted Rachel and asked her about her work as an Indigenous nurse:

Q. How long have you been working in health care? What province/territories do you work in, or have you worked in?

I have been working it healthcare for 3 years as a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN). I currently work and live in Ontario. At the same time, I am completing the RPN to BScN bridge program through Ontario Tech and Georgian college. I am currently completing my final consolidation in the Emergency room of a hospital in Simcoe County. The areas of healthcare I work in are acute care and cardiology research. I have a passion for Indigenous health, life promotion and advocacy. I am involved in multiple student associations the Canadian Nursing Students Association as the Indigenous Health Advocacy Chair, Nursing Students of Ontario as a committee coordinator and Ontario Tech’s Nursing Student Community and the Undergraduate Nursing Program Committee. Within these roles I advocate for Indigenous health, representation and promote ally ship to my fellow nursing students. I have had the opportunity to now transition myself into a new nursing role as an Indigenous Health Consultant delivering webinars and health teaching to Indigenous populations within my community and virtually.

Q. What made you want to become a nurse?

It sounds cliché but, you could say nursing is in my blood. I was inspired and followed the footsteps of my mother who is also a nurse. From my childhood I watched her and admired the pride she took in her work and the satisfaction she felt from helping others and was drawn to the profession.

Q. What does it mean to you to be an Indigenous nurse?

I am passionate about Indigenous health and the future of nursing. I believe that as an Indigenous nursing student I have a voice as a leader to represent and advocate for more Indigenous education within current nursing programs and I am working hard to help change this. I believe all of the challenges and obstacles I overcame in my life have prepared me to be a strong Indigenous nurse who has the strength and bravery to advocate for change.

Q. What makes you proud to be an Indigenous nurse?

I am so proud to be an Indigenous nurse and I am happy I can use my knowledge and advocacy skills to educate others on Indigenous Health. Nursing is a career like no other and every day I am honoured to be able to touch the lives of my patients and their families. During COVID I have seen the bravery of nurses delivering care to patients who are scared and alone due to visitor restrictions during the pandemic. I value my dedication to lifelong learning and being the best version of myself. Nursing has helped me develop myself as a leader. As a student I believe I am assisting my peers by promoting Indigenous, health and the importance of ally ship and Truth and Reconciliation.

On behalf of the team at CINA: thank you Rachel for all of your work!

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Do you know of an amazing Indigenous nurse or midwife that you would like to nominate? Check out the campaign page here: